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Kent may refer to Kent Swanson, a psychopath in Dead Rising Kent DeMare, a hostile survivor in Dead Rising 3DRW Kent Swanson Kent Swanson is a psychopath appearing in Dead Rising and a zombie in Dead Rising Chop Till You Drop He is an incredibly zealous photographer who was encountered in Paradise Plaza during the scoops Cut From the Same Cloth, Photo Challenge, andDead Rising Kent (Round 3), Tad, and Simone Watch later Share Copy link Info Shopping Tap to unmute If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device Up next
デッドライジング 攻略1 今回目指すのは50人以上の生存者で取れる実績「セイント」とセキュリティールームから掛かってくるオティスの通信を全て取ると貰える実績「通信中毒」 次はエントランスプラザに向かうのですがブラッドを無視して進んでも大丈夫なのでどんどん先に一人で進んでOK 18時を回ってから庭に入ると囚人3人組が出てくるのでその前に庭に入り You have to do his first two missions and show up for the final mission After you do the third mission and defeat him you just take a picture of his corpse User Info lilhunter5 lilhunter5 12 years ago 0 1On day 3, If you are late to meet Kent in the mission "A Photographer's Pride", you will see a different cutsceneFrom Dead Rising Remastered (16) PC
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デッドライジング4を追加しました。 (水)Kent will then follow Frank or shoot at Frank until he hits him once There are two results of Frank giving pictures to Kent If they're good, Kent will applaud you, if they're bad, he'll just laugh in your face and run off (Which will leave a "Lost" prompt on his notebook entry)When Kent is first encountered he will make a very loud and Kent's task is one of your first scoops in this game You arrive in Columbian Roastmasters and talk to him He will want to test your camera abilities This task means 2 photos 1st Photo= Take a picture of him on his knees taking a photo of you When he gets on his knees and aims his camera at you, you take a photo of him in that stance on his

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Photographer's Pride is a Dead Rising scoop This scoop will have been added to your scoop cue automatically if Frank completed the scoop Photo Challenge earlier Kent Swanson is determined to prove once and for all that his photojournalist skills and commitment are greater than Frank's, by infecting Tad Hawthorne with a zombie queen to record the transformation process Travel to theデッドライジング2のハンドガンにcz75 sp01の刻印を発見。 でも全然似てない (金) ;Dead Rising (Video Game 06) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more

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For Dead Rising on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Kent's pose photo" CASE FILEを完遂すると4日目0000に特殊部隊が突入してくる。 モール内各所に歩兵が、中庭上空には武装ヘリが現れる。 特殊部隊突入後はゲーム開始時にオティスが溶接した守衛室の扉が開くようになっている。 特殊部隊に認識されている状態で体力がSo basically if you kept over 8 survivors with you before this fight, the game will be forced to spawn Tad giving you 9 survivors all together This is one o

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Kent Swanson is a minor antagonist and a psychopath in the video game Dead Rising He was an photographer who was incredibly jealous of Frank West's photography skills and a rival towards him He was voiced by Marty Belafsky He offered to model for Frank and challenged him to take better photos than the ones he took If Frank failed to photograph Kent as he requested, heZombie Kent can speak in Dead Rising Chop Till You Drop He is one of the only Psychopaths who will help the player character out in killing zombies When Frank kills a Zombie Kent in Dead Rising Chop Till You Drop, he gets a Molotov Cocktail instead of a grenade that Kent uses Kent carries four cameras on him at all timesTemplateInfobox TemplateQuote Bessie Kent is a survivor that is shopping in the Royal Flush Plaza in Dead Rising 2 during the unannounced mission Shopping Spree Bessie is found talking with Erica and Rosa, in Kathy's Space in Royal Flush Plaza after 8 AM on day 2 She and her friends take advantage of the outbreak and are shopping in the lineless stores when they are found by

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FAQ How do I get to fight Kent?A First, meet Kent on Day 1 Do all the things he asks you to do, like take a picture of his cool pose After that, he'llTad Hawthorne is a survivor in Dead Rising He is found being held hostage by Kent Swanson Frank can save Tad by proving to Kent that Frank is a better photographer, in the Photographer's Pride scoop and then defeating him If Frank is too late arriving to the Photographer's Pride scoop, Tad will be killed by Kent before Frank arrivesKent Swanson Kent is an annoying, subtle and quite insane psychopath that gives Frank fits in Dead Rising

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